Rabu, 07 Juni 2017


For the first time, I knew that we must try. Trying is the best way to measure how far our struggle is. I think it's hard to do for, but I am sure it'll produce something better at the right time. Because, God will never betray what His servants want.

Fall for many times, and stand up bravely. That's what the right way. Giving up will never make everything better than before. Yeah, I knew it right.

I've experienced the terrible events, and giving up then. Sometimes, it makes me thinking. Why I didn't tryー How weak I am. It couldn't be explained easily***

But, from all those things.... I learned something, I learned something that can make my life better, even change. Whatever you've faced, whatever you've done, couldn't be happened easily except you are praying and leaving it to Godー everything

Never give up, always try. Just like the proverb said, "Fall seven times, stand up eight", God loves it so much. Don't forget to pray too. Experience is the best teacher. Learn from it!

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